How Do You Ever Get Past The Guilt And Sadness Of Placement?
On one hand, I'm relieved...the day-to-day stresses of caring for a 200lb toddler and working a FT job are over. I tried my best and did my best (mostly) to keep him home...but it was becoming increasingly difficult. I toggle back and forth between, "I'm okay" and "I'm SO sad". I'm glad to be able to turn my full attention back to my job and my health. Taking care of so many things I had to put on hold for the past few years, it's overwhelming. I'm decluttering, throwing away, donating and… read more
Here is our wedding picture 57 years ago we had to pay for our wedding due to families money situations.
I am so sorry you are going through this. My sister in law placed my brother in memory care after caring for him for 6 years. It was the hardest decision she had, but the best for all involved. He had early onset. Diagnosed at 52 and passed at 58. My sister in law realized her health was more important. She had 2 teenagers to be a mom too. I knew when she placed him that his health would decline quickly. Our very large family supported my sister in law with every decision she made. Until you walk in those shoes there is no judgment that should be made by anyone. I wish you peace and comfort and you move forward.
Dianne, I also wonder just how far our finances will stretch. I was speaking with our daughter tonight as we came back from visiting my husband, and I have not taken my proper medicines regularly for the past two fact, since covid hit us and Hurricane Michael about the same time...I have not even had my blood work done and up to date. I told her that by now all my prescriptions are past their "use-by" dates. And I desperately need all new blood work done to determine what I need or don't need. Since my husband was diagnosed with this A/D, I have spent all my energy focused on him. She said for me to not allow my thoughts to keep dwelling on the past. That she will call our family physician and arrange for me to have someone (if possible) come to my home, just like they did for my husband, and do blood tests on me. She will make the call and arrange for my care, just as she did for her dad. I have to start taking better care of myself, otherwise, I will be of no use to her...and she needs me to stay well.
She is incredible. I am so fortunate to have her caring for me.
Our wedding pic 60 years ago , Feb 23 rd. We were too poor to have professional photographer 😊💕
Metformin And Dementia
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Brother In Law Slapping People All The Time He Thinks Its Funny But Stronger Than He Thinks