How Do You Handle Selling And Buying A New Home If Your Spouse Is The Patient?
I assume you have Power of Attorney. Don't overwhelm him with facts and decisions. It's tough having to do it all alone. Do you have family help?
Involve him in the "why", and "where ", and constantly assure hi. You both have the funds to do this.
My suggestion is a one story condo, or small house you can maintain. You will increasingly have more to do in managing him.
When you move, be sure to keep comfortable chair, bed, and items that make him feel "at home". STILL, it may takweeks for him to feel comfortable, in new surroundings.
If he can stay with family on the actual moving day, he won't have the extra worry that brings.
Dr may prescribe a mood elevator, or calming med.
If your move means you must find new Dr's, be sure you have a good neurologist !HUGS!
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