How Do You Handle Selling And Buying A New Home If Your Spouse Is The Patient?
We are thinking about moving. Kid is very unhappy where we live. Had someone look at our house yesterday and hubs was involved, but kept repeating himself. Hubs wants to stay, but I need out from the uncompleted repair projects, junk storage, financial strain and drama. I think he is more concerned that I won’t let him move all of his junk with us. I need simplicity for me and a place my son can thrive. Farther to work and to mom for me, but still in the area.
We downsized 6+ years ago, and rarely look back.
Thank you everyone for the encouragement. Right now we are in the process of reorganizing all of our excess stuff. Minimizing our life is a step that I have taken for the future.
I involved my wife in every step, took her with me to look at every house, she was unable to make decisions but could tell me what she liked and didn't like. We were moving from the farm to town and I was afraid it would upset her but as I explained everything to her it was ok. An added bonus was that our son, daughter in law and granddaughter would be moving in with us to help care for her. The day we signed the papers, it was home to her.
I am about to sell my house! I am moving into a retirement community and selling my home. I will have to sell my dining room furniture and everything that will not fit into a one-bedroom apartment. It will be a huge adjustment for me...going from a three-bedroom home with a garage to a small apartment. My daughter and I are moving back to our hometown in Mississippi.
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