My Husband, Who Normally Can Barely Walk And Uses A Walker , Once In Awhile Seems To Get An Adrenaline Rush. Anyone Experience This?
Last week he went out the back door, down the stairs, across the driveway, into the garage and up the stairs to the second floor. He stayed there an hour before s friend could talk him into coming in. He could hardly walk then and has had trouble walking since.
We had to put special locks on the door to keep my mom from leaving.
Maybe just for a bit he forgot that he had difficulties walking? My husband completely forgot how to walk but was always trying to get out of bed and walk. He could stand up but as soon as he tried to take a step down he went. Had to call 911 twice to get him off the floor and back in bed. No one knows what goes through their minds at any given time but it sounds like your husband was on a mission in his mind.
Does Anyone Take Notice Of Pronounced Fluctuations In L/O's Vascular Dementia Energy Levels, Appetite, Sleep Pattern, Awareness Level Etc?
Can Someone Who Has Experience With Home Health And Hospice For Their Dementia LO Please Describe A Typical In-home Care Routine?
Any Advice For Caregiver Or Experience With Sudden Restlessness And Anxiety In Vascular Dementia Patient.