Does Anyone Take Notice Of Pronounced Fluctuations In L/O's Vascular Dementia Energy Levels, Appetite, Sleep Pattern, Awareness Level Etc?
My husband's behaviors are totally erratic sometimes 24/7, sometimes within a week, sometimes over a few weeks. I read that this is a sign of degeneration of brain cells and poor vs. good oxygen supply. It is very baffling to live with and witness. I can only describe it to a "layperson" as caffeine vs. decaffeinated behavior.
My husband was not diagnosed with vascular dementia but alzheimers. He wouldn't do more testing and won't take the meds. They didn't seem to help him. He takes effexur xr and recently started a .5 Xanax. He does not know that is what it is. We went through some rough times with one lasting 3 weeks last summer. I was ready ro give up and call authorities. Thank God that was the worst one. They have leveled off as his memory worsened and I have learned to handle it better. When he gets agitated and angry it usually last a day at the most. Usually an hr or two. He also has bad headaches leading up to and through it. This leads to another decline. Weather changes and full moons also affect him. Last weekends headaches have left another decline. I hope this helps you.
Thank you @A myALZteam Member
It helps knowing that I’m not fabricating up and down behavior cycles 🔃 and changes in symptoms.
Thank you! Does it get worse or finally level off?
What Is Vascular Dementia?
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