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Top 10 search results for "Namenda" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.


A myALZteam Member asked a question 💭

It agitated my husband and has now been stopped. Epilim been increased. He has gone down to fast - nappies, to being fed to no sensible chats, to mutterings...

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A myALZteam Member

My husband is on Donapezil. I don't know if it us the same and don't really know if it helped. He has gone down hill alot in the last year. Sleeps alot. Has trouble forming words so no real… read more

Alcohol And Dementia

A myALZteam Member asked a question 💭

My mum has Alzheimer's type dementia and is drinking an awful lot of alcohol ,she always liked a glass of wine but is drinking much more now
Does anyone have any advice or has faced similar issues

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A myALZteam Member

My husband who always enjoyed occasional beer or scotch his whole life. Now he only wants Blackberry Brandy like Gammie’s husband. He insists he has only had one when it’s his 2 nd. I try to curb him… read more

I Was Told 2007 I Had Earl Alzh Tfter A PET SCAN Was Done. I Have Taken Exelon, Namenda Since. Folate Reduces Risk By 55% Why Am I Still OK

A myALZteam Member asked a question 💭

I am alert, oriented. I keep my mind busy. I have written6 children's stories , 3 poetry books since told I had FTLD. My books are on Amazon I do not give up. I am the 6th in my family to have it. My oldest son has had it since 2008. He has 4 types of seizures , is low normal , yet he functions ok. We are both still here. I have written to numerous people, no one answers! If we can survive this, for this long, why can't others ? I am a retired nurse and have medical back ground The action af N… read more

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Alzheimer’s Disease Overview: History, Statistics, and More Read Article...
A myALZteam Member

Have you asked the DR BOUT "NAMNDA" DOTH NEED TO BBETAKEN TOGETHER TO HELP THE BRAIN IN S DIFFERENT WAY. I have had this Simca 2007 , my son since2008. We get mixed up occasionally , but still do… read more

Aricept Cause Upset Stomach?

A myALZteam Member asked a question 💭

Moms been complaining of upset stomach for about a week now. Shes been on aricept for a little over a month. Just last week her dose went up to 10mg. I'm wondering if this could be the cause. I haven't had a chance to read the side affects. She hasn't eaten a whole lot besides soup. Was gonna give a call to the doc, but thought I'd ask of anyone else had experienced this.

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A myALZteam Member

My husband has a upset stomach every day ? if I give him gabapenten and it gets past the stomach sickness but he cannot walk straight he looses his balance ….He eats constantly

Has Anyone Found Adult Colouring Books Or Alzheimer's Puzzles Were Something There Loved One Found Stimulating?

A myALZteam Member asked a question 💭

I brought dad a colouring book on 19th century farm life. He was very interested in the pictures and captions describing them. The puzzle seemed to totally confuse him and the colour coding seemed to make it even worse. He couldn't manipulate the pieces to fit and would turn them over rather than around. We talked and laughed, but I'm not sure if it is something's my to continue with or perhaps he no longer has the ability to do it and it would just become frustrating. He is in the moderate to… read more

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A myALZteam Member

I find the children's wooden puzzles are better. Easier to grab on to. I use to think of what my kids when they were toddlers liked and shat they could easily pick up.


A myALZteam Member asked a question 💭

Does anyone have a spouse that is in denial that he has Alzheimer? My husband was diagnosed in August 2015 and he is in denial. It is very very hard on me. And if so perhaps you can let me know how you get them to see this and also how you handle it.

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A myALZteam Member

my Dad has had Alzheimer's for 10 years and never acknowledged it we have managed, he in now in a nursing home as he can't do anything for himself and he is not mobile, but he never wanted to know… read more

Mom Has Begun Crying Almost Every Few Minutes Throughout The Day.

A myALZteam Member asked a question 💭

The minute she is still, she starts crying, sometimes sobbing. At almost 81, she's not that active, providing ample opportunity to start crying every few minutes. What can be done?! I can't do the minimum chores without having to stop and try to get her to stop crying.

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A myALZteam Member

DEPRESSION , anxiety , mood swings are all a part of Alzh. It is so frustarting not to be able to covey thoughts, feelind, ideas. A peron is over come with it all.. I have been there and lived through… read more

How Long Should They Stay On Aricept And Namenda?

A myALZteam Member asked a question 💭

My husband was put on Aricept in 2020 and awhile after that Namenda was added. I am wondering because of what I have read, has it outlived its usefulness? He did well for about 4 years and now not so much. He constantly is delusional and has hallucinations of all types. I've heard they can at times increase that, although I'm not sure that's the cause as he was ok for years. Any thoughts?

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A myALZteam Member

@A myALZteam Member Re: your Q&A question "How Long Should They Stay On Aricept And Namenda?" For whatever it's worth, the new Neurologist we recently saw said that IF my wife turns out to have LBD… read more

My Husband's Insurance No Longer Covers Namenda XR. I Think That Since He Has Been On It For 6 Years, We Should Just Quit It.

A myALZteam Member asked a question 💭

His dementia continues to advance. So why keep taking it, especially now since it is costing 5 times as much?

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A myALZteam Member

The insurance now pays for the generic Namendra XR or memantine. We have been discussing about continuing to take this drug when the dementia continues to advance. If the patient is taken off the… read more

Does Anyone Have Experience With Aricept 23mg

A myALZteam Member asked a question 💭

My mother is in early stages of Alzheimer's, she is currently on Aricept 10mg daily. Her neurologist took her off her Namenda because we saw no improvement within the first month. I hear there is a 23mg Aricept but it frequently causes GI upset. I wondered if anyone has any experience with that dosage? And if anyone has any other suggestions i would greatly appreciate it. This is just the start of this journey with my mom and sisters. I am feeling a little helpless and being a nurse it is my… read more

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A myALZteam Member

My husband used to get explosive diarrhoea about 4 hours after taking 10mg of Aricept but a friend suggested I give him 1/2 a tablet in the morning and 1/2 at night and that has worked out well.