Comment: I Tried To Do The Very Best I Could, Loved My Mom. You Know That They Are Another Person When Very Verbal/physical Aggression Show.
I learned to time-travel with mom and dad. They both died from Alz 2020. Mom couldn't talk for her last 5 years, so I read books to her, and brought music and sang. Dad never had an aggressive bone in his body, but to our surprise, he became aggressive. I never heard him cuss, but he said a few words when the Alz got worse. I learned to not take anything personal and would laugh or just continue taking gentle. I NEVER asked mom or dad questions as that made them confused and frustrated. Oh, the enjoyed bright colored pictures on the walls, and soft cuddly stuffed dolls / animals.
How, What, Do You Do With Physical Aggression From The Alzheimer's Patient?
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Mom Refuses To Eat. She Eats Very Minimal Amounts Of Food- Bites. Drinks Minimal. How Long Can This Go On?I Feel Like She Is Wasting Away.