Some Days My Partner Seems Fine. Then I Think Maybe The Doctor Was Wrong. Does Anyone Ever Feel That Way?
@StepahnieFleckner, it's heartbreaking. And it's good to cry - bottling up your emotions is unhealthy.
My husband asks many times a day "How did I get here?" Apart from medical appointments, he hasn't been anywhere else for years.
@A myALZteam Member, in the early stages, it can seem that way. Make the most of those times!
No I never questioned the diagnosis as I had first noticed changes in him when he was just 53, 5 years before he was diagnosed! His behaviour and personality had changed and he said and did some very odd things as well as the forgetfulness.
@A myALZteam Member: It sounds like you're pretty new to all of this. Just in case you're not familiar with the various Stages of this disease, you can find that information here. Open up the responses to see both charts that I posted. You stage them where they are most of the time. There's also a chart with the MOCA and MMSE scores, which some doctors use.
I had observed the signs several years before I took him for diagnosis. I was 100% sure I knew because my mother and both grandparents had dementia and I had training in dementing diseases in my job.
How Long Can Alzheimer’s Patients Carry On Normal Conversation?
Inside The Mind
My Husband Has Alzheimers And He Is Really Cold Most Of The Time As Well As Being Very Tired. Is This Symptomatic Of The Disease?