How Do You Stop The Vulgar Language Of A Dementia Patient
I don't know if any way to stop unwanted behaviors. Understand is so limited and my husband forgets everything immediately. Once my husband was using the " f bomb" in our yard and a small child was nearby. I asked him to stop. Didn't do any good so I moved us inside. Hopefully others can
see that this behavior is due to the disease and ask for their understanding of what he can't control.
Sadly I am finding this to be the norm
Our neurologist said nothing can be done about inappropriate language and comments medication wise.
I'm finding that out that from one minute to the next he doesn't remember what he said. We took him on a camping trip he screamed the B world all through the campsite. His language is so bad I can't take him out in public any more. It's so sad to see him go down hill so dast
New Research - Jan 2025: Time To Nursing Home Admission And Death With Alzheimer's & Dementia
Alzheimers And The Telephone.
Mom Has Begun Crying Almost Every Few Minutes Throughout The Day.