How Can I Find Out About TRIALS, And How To Join?
Two days ago Catmama posted about the Alzheimers Association International Conference to be held August 1, 2024. This is free and online. On the link Catmama provided, there is info on a PDF download, where they link to TRIALS and how to find out about them. This Reference is:
The PDF download has the title The Alzheimer’s and Dementia Research Landscape
with reference:
Thank you each for the information on the conference, trials &studies being done and brain donations. I hope that each leads to more information and research to help others prevent or treat this cruel disease. It all inspires hope for a future Alz free. A long way to go but maybe not impossible.
Yes! There are so many trials to participate in. Also, not to be morbid, but I’m actually filling out the paperwork now to donate my brain! I’m determined to give back (literally) in order to fight against this horrific disease! I also have a card from another study that I’m already participating in unrelated to Alzheimer’s. Let me see if it’s nationwide and I’ll post the information on my wall for everyone. I had joined All of Us, and there was a substudy called Nutrition for Precision that UNC Chapel Hill is leading (I live in NC). we all know that there are many factors to Nuro degenerative disease and I definitely believe it’s not just genetic but environmental and in our food. This study looks at overall health and how we eat and what we eat (even when) affects physical, mental and emotional health. I’ll see if I can post an image of the card in the event that maybe it’s a trial participation across the United States.
@A myALZteam Member: I think it's just wonderful that you're filling out paperwork for voluntary brain donation. I had posted about this a while ago, and for those who might want to consider this, and help to further research, here's the link:
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