How Do I Delete An Answer That I Made Inappropriatly To A Question That I Posted An Answer To That Was Off Subject.
@A myALZteam Member To remove an answer that you posted under a Question in the Q&A section, just do the following.
1. Find the answer you want to remove.
2. At the bottom right-hand side of your Answer are 3 horizontal little dots
3. Click on the dots and a menu will appear with 3 possible actions you can take:
4. Click on DELETE and the Answer should disappear.
Just make sure you have made a copy of the Answer before you do the DELETE action, because you won't be able to get it back again. I think I know what you are going to delete, and I found it interesting. Sometimes I just copy and paste what I find interesting into a private Word file, so I can find it back later. I think I gave you a couple of tips on how to retrieve information a few days ago. Any problems, just ask me. Make sure you start your question to me by putting @A myALZteam Member in front. That means I will get an email from myALZteam with a notification that you wrote to me. Have a nice day Nanat, I hope you can find some quiet moments in the middle of all the many things you are taking care of. By the way, here in France the television gave all sorts of updates round the clock about the shooting on Saturday.
@A myALZteam Member Thank you for having confirmed this: @A myALZteam Member s husband has had two successive MRI scans in April and July. As you know I am somewhat of a science sleuth. But here we face one of the Frustration obstacles in our Alz journeys: how to activate the skills of a competent geriatric neurologist and get them to take us serious. I went through a not too dissimilar episode with my wife last year, where two scans could have been compared volumetrically but had been prescribed for two different reasons (one memory issues and the other tunnel vision) I gave up in the end to have the second MRI reinterpreted by the software used in another lab for the first. Only our General Practitioner knows where I am coming from and wrote a letter to get us the attention of academic geneticists. With Great Success! In myALZteam we can reach out to each other and hope for the best in a stormy sea where most of the lighthouses are dark on an unseen coast.
Otto...Interesting and quite poetic!!!
@A myALZteam Member: Yes, in another post @A myALZteam Member said that there was an MRI in April and a new one done on this hospitalization.
Sadly, I've had way too much experience with my son having bleeds, from major to I know that depending on exactly where those bleeds occur, they certainly can throw a different light on ALL kinds of behavioral issues...which is why I keep wondering if this might be what's actually happened here.
Yikes -- Meanwhile, I was trying to fix my update with the results to date, and I accidentally deleted the whole Q&A!! I reached out to @A myALZteam Member and am hoping that he can restore it. Not a good morning!!
So right now, there's nothing to delete anyway. Ugh.
Update: Eric fixed the problem & the post is back.
But @A myALZteam Member, I really think you should just leave it "as is" now. You'll just know how to edit or delete things in the future, which is a good thing to know.
I think about you every single day, and I really do wonder if your hubby had a brain bleed, or micro-bleeds. Everything can change in a blink, with that.
And if you personally are taking anything to cope with the unbelievable stress you're under, and want to share that on the Q&A, please do.
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