My Wife Believes Her Mom An D Aunt Are Alive. She Wants To Visit And Says I Do Not Understand.
My suggestion (based on how I feel as the one with dementia): I've asked my people to stop telling me about people who have died. I've asked then to say things like "they're fine" "you talked with them recently" "let me look at my calendar, maybe we can go next week". They know I prefer truth to lies, but they also don't like making me sad every time I hear "for the first time" that the person died. Putting a time that they'll get back to me after my normal remembering phase seems to be working, I think. At least, it is for me. My caregiver may have a different opinion!
Thanks Peace be with you!
Thanks for your answer. I will try.
You have great incite. I wish you well on your walk. May God be with you in every step.
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