Have Power Of Attorney For Hubby, But Do I Have To Go To Court To Implement It Or What Do I Do. Must I Hire A Lawyer To Take Care Of It?
If your husband was able to sign it with you in the presence of a notary and it's been notarized, I think you're good. That's all it took in our case anyway. I sold our house a couple of years ago and didn't have any problem and I also made many medical decisions for my husband. I'm in Florida and that's been 6 years ago, when we signed the POA, and my husband's gone now, for almost a year. But for what it's worth.
Thank you!
I didn’t have to involve attorney to DPOA. Just presented it when necessary.
Thank you so much for your response. We had our wills and power of attorney made in 2012 and it was notarized and witnessed by the lawyers staff. Hopefully we have "dotted all the i's and crossed all the t's". So sorry about your husband.
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When Does The Caregiver Activate The Power Of Attorney?