My Husband Has Started To Obsess With Seeing Tiny Bugs Everywhere. It Can Be A Pepper Dot, A Spec Of Mulch, Etc. He Says They Are Bitting
Him, but he is picking at his skin to make a cut. I don’t know how to explain to him it’s not bugs. So far I’ve had house sprayed, air ducts cleaned and now he want air duct replaced for 6000.00 dollars!!! Gets so angry when no one agrees with him. Help!
My husband sees things like that to. We just have to reassure him there are no bugs. Also try using a spray bottle with water and lemon oil (or any kind) and tell him the pest company gave it to use to eliminate bugs. You should also talk to your doctor and see what they can do.
Good luck. Our road is a long and hard one.
I'm so sorry. I went through this for months (years?) with my dad. In his case, I think it might have been a reaction to a medication he was on, one that was causing him to feel "bites" on his calves that were actually tingly prickly sensations that were a medication side effect. Just a guess. Your post brings back a lot of hard memories. My best to you.
Thank you. He won’t take any medications and he thinks I’m the crazy one.
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