Would You Choose EGD For Your Loved One IF They Are Vomiting Blood?
Let's say your loved one with dementia also suffers constant chronic pain from autoimmune problems with cardiac problems and aging issues...would you choose an E.G.D. (light tube down the throat all the way to the beginning of small intestine) if your loved one was suffering abdominal pain with loss of appetite and vomiting bright red blood already has received 4 units of packed red cells
Here's the other caveat: during the procedure all Do Not Resuscitate requests must be reversed until… read more
I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with this. As hard as it is, I wouldn’t put my LO through any procedures, as we wouldn’t treat anything that may be found, per her wishes, that she put in writing when she was first diagnosed. I don’t want to prolong her suffering and would just provide comfort care. Have you thought of bringing in hospice? They can advise, support you and help you make decisions.
@A myALZteam Member my husband is firmly in stage 6, has cardiac issues, has advance directives, an out of hospital DNR, and is on palliative care. Based upon his wishes pre-dementia, he's currently in the stage of the disease where he's receiving only comfort care...medication only to address pain or anxiety (no heart or dementia medications). The fact that DNRs are not in force during diagnostic procedures is a real concern for us. If my husband was in the situation you describe, I'd request medication to keep him comfortable and skip the diagnostic procedure. You know your LO's unique situation and yourself best, so the route we'd take may not be the one that's best for you and your LO...sending many, many hugs your way as you determine the best route to take.
@A myALZteam Member, I am so very sorry to hear you lost your mom. Though it was her time, a daughter can never be truly ready for that inevitability. Wishing you peace and comfort. You were there for her and did the best for her. Be kind to yourself.
You guys are so strong and so compassionate. My heart goes out to you all. I watched my Mom and Dad go through so much before losing them. It hurt so much watching their bodies and minds get weaker with each day. My Mom stopped eating and was in alot of pain and it left me feeling so helpless. You are all in my heart and in my prayers
I pray God gives you the comfort and strength that it takes to get through this awful diseases journey. Have a blessed day.
My husband is on hospice care and has many other issues besides Alz and Parkinsons he is progressing into stage 7 and has lost and is losing weight drinks a lot of suppliments and only eats less than half his meals. He gets comfort care pain management. So I would not go with an EDG as I know from earlier conversations he would not want to be put through that when its not going to change his outcome. He has a DNR order also. I just want him to be made as comfortable as possible. So sorry your going through this. 🌹😊
My Wife Was Diagnosed With Alz About 6 Years Ago. A New Neurologist Prescribed A Newer Blood Test, Blood Drawn On October 1 2024. Her Valu
For Those Whose Loved One Won’t Go To Bed At A Decent Hour, Have You Found Any Technique That Is Effective At Helping Get Them To Bed?
What Do You Say To Your Loved One If You Are Ready To Place Them In Long Term Care? This Is So Hard. I Am Exhausted.