How Does One Tactfully Take Away The Debit Card From A Spouse With Salient MCI (minimal Cognitive Impairment?
My husband is early stage, so what I've done is explain why we have to be especially careful with a debit card, as opposed to a credit card; and that we don't want to lose it because we don't want someone to gain access to the bank account(s) behind it. He still understands these things. So we literally keep the debit card in a safe (which he can't open) and I only give it to him when we go to the bank to get cash, then I put it away again when we get home. Eventually, he'll get to the point where he forgets about it; and it will be in the safe.
What Is The Optimum Way To Remove The Debit Card From Your Spouse With Moderate Dementia?
My Wife Was Diagnosed With Alz About 6 Years Ago. A New Neurologist Prescribed A Newer Blood Test, Blood Drawn On October 1 2024. Her Valu
Where To Start? Is It Better To Keep Mom At Home As Long As Possible Or In Assisted Care? Money Is A Huge Issue..