I Don't Want To Pry Into Anyone's Medical Situation, Could I Ask If Anyone Here Or Knows Of Someone With Alzheimers That Is Not A Diabetic?
I am reading so much about people who has alzheimers have diabetes and if you control the diabetes then you have a chance of getting rid of alzheimers. This is completely against everything I have learned and did my medical classes report on. I know we all hope there will be a cure. Unfortunately I think research is grasping at air.
My husband is in his 10 r year.. high functioning , Dementia patient.. he been diabetic 2.. since he was 70 he's now 90 years young..Clyde can talk your arm off & forget in 15 min.. or what he ate 15 minutes later. He talks about everything pass 40 yrs ago. He can tell you his entire child hood...but can't tell you any thing about grandkids. Or great grandkids.. He's really very healthy & a Happy guy most of the time.ðŸ¤
My husband DX ALZ 2018 does not have Type2 Diabetes. Just have Diabetes can have far reaching physical and neurological effects but I have also not seen research supporting diabetes as the cause of ALZ or ALZ causing diabetes. A very difficult combination of complex neurologic and metabolic disorders. I have a son with Type 1 diabetes since age 10 and I worry about his future ALZ risks.
Mom isn’t diabetic. Neither is hubs.
Thank you. I was told about type 3 being sugar of the brain about 25 years ago. But it is being pushed as the cause of alzheimers. I can go along with it helping alzheimers get worse, but not that it causes alzheimers. And not that if you get your sugar under control then you won't have alzheimers. Alzheimers destroys the center of your brain from everything I have researched. It can't be restored. Sad but true. Every doctor I have talked to has confirmed this. I guess I keep looking for a fix. I am writing a book on alzheimers for newbies. It is so frustrating and scary if you don't know anything about it and are thrown into it.
My husband is not diabetic, either.
There have been some recent articles about the importance of controlling blood sugar, and the relationship to Alzheimer's. Research has shown that having Type 2 diabetes can double the risk of developing Alzheimers.
Here's an easy-to-read article from Harvard Medical School:
And here's a more complex article from the National Library of Medicine's National Center for Biotechnology Information:
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