Is It Possible For Your LO To Feel Pain In A Dream? Still Does Not Remember The Dreams.
My husband did when he was having night terrors. Sometimes he rembered the dream and they were as bad as any horror movie. If he was running in the dream, his legs would move back and forth. If he was fighting he was punching the air. Fortunately never me! Meds helped. Yes, I do believe we feel pain in dreams just as we feel scared, or feel like we are falling, or wake up crying and feeling the emotions that go with it.
You would wake up if he was having night terrors. If it’s a normal dream, you might not. If he is having pain only at night, it might be from a dream, or from laying in one position too long or many other reasons. If the pain occurs when he is awake also, then it wouldn’t be a dream. If you have any concerns, please consult a Dr.
I remember D having alit of dreams where he was visibly upset but he didn't seem to be in pain...he also talked constantly once he got in a deep sleep. He wasn't upset just talking to people gmhe was seeing. However eventually I realized he wasn't getting enough sleep. He was beat out by morning. An increase was made in nighttime pill and he was good. He had been on the mildest pill....he was good to go in morning .
Ronnie3, your little brother, I am so sorry! I never feel him moving in his dreams. I am a light sleeper most of the time, if I sleep, you would think I would notice.
My wife has started to dream at night and talk in her sleep and move her arms and legs and be sleeping like a log it's pretty funny cause I'm up three or four times a night to pee and I'll think she is talking g to me and I I'll ask her what so I would think that you can feel pain while your dreaming but I will say by my own dreams I've never felt pain while I've dreamed but I have experienced the falling sensation and been woke up in extreme fear before and have woke up like experiencing my little brother suicide
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