Is Not Wanting To Take A Shower Or Eat When You Have Food Ready? Using The Bathroom More Then Before?
My mom has starting fighting me about taking a shower because she says her hair is falling out or she's not hungry but yet 5 to 10 mins later she wants something to eat. She wants to eat all the time. I try to give her healthy snacks and fruit when I can. I believe she has ibs and uses the bathroom alot more then she use too.
Yeah she askes for eggs in the morning and I'll give her yogurt with it or oatmeal. She loves popcorn and baked chips. I will try the crackers. She loves oranges and bananas in winter. Yeah I wasn't sure, thank you!
With IBS stomach can hurt if too empty, so snacking can soothe it. Yogurt, fruit and crackers are my go to snacks.
As for showering, my mother in law, mom and hubs have all resisted at times. I think that is common with dementia patients.
Getting My Precious Mother With Alzheimer To Shower.
Going Out For Errands Or Getting A Bit Of Time To Myself Is A Challenge.
How To Get Your Loved One To Change Clothes In The Bathroom For A Shower