How Can You Track Care Given To Dementia Person As A Family Member?
I care for my mom, and was a nursing home nurse for many years. I’d like to be able to easily track the care I give, but don’t have extra time to sit and document everything. Is there an app or something someone else has used? Thanks!
This is such a good question. I too have often wished I had the time to document everything. I am so exhausted after the day pot care and other obligations, that I do not have the energy to journal. I wish I did. I would love to chart everything as well. I will check back here because I would love a suggestion too. Thanks for asking it.
Does Anyone Take Notice Of Pronounced Fluctuations In L/O's Vascular Dementia Energy Levels, Appetite, Sleep Pattern, Awareness Level Etc?
Can Someone Who Has Experience With Home Health And Hospice For Their Dementia LO Please Describe A Typical In-home Care Routine?
Any Advice For Caregiver Or Experience With Sudden Restlessness And Anxiety In Vascular Dementia Patient.