What Is This Guardianship All About Here In PA?
One less thing i havetyo do and also have every thing for my kidsresfy gor my kids
I also have every thing in place. So much easer
My wife already got Guardianship approved on me
A guardianship is a court appointed person to make decisions for someone incapable of making decisions. A Power of Attorney-Healthcare is a legal form in which you designate someone to make decisions if you are not capable to make those decisions. A Power of Attorney-finance is someone who you designate to make financial decisions for you. If you have power of attorney for both healthcare and finance (they could be the same person or 2 different people, then your family wouldn’t have to go through the courts to gain guardianship for you if you become incapable of making decisions. 2 doctors have to examine you and declare you incompetent in order for the POAs to be activated. I would recommend that you seek the advice of an elder care attorney or an attorney specializing in Estate planning to make sure you have all the forms completed in order to assure your wishes are followed as this disease progresses.
I had to do a guardianship on my mom when she was being scammed a couple years ago. The POA didn’t stop her ability to write checks to people she never met. Now I pretty much handle everything for her. It used to bother her, but she rarely mentions it now and I am not about to bring up the topic.
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Hi All, I Have Power Of Attorney For My Mum But Is It Better To Have Guardianship.
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