Question About Restoril For Sleep For Someone With Moderate To Late Stage Dementia.
My mom resides in a personal care home. She receives restoril to help with sleep. We are finding that she still does not sleep normal hours with the restoril. It is given around 7pm and she does not go to sleep until 2-5am. She then wants to sleep about 5-6 hours which interferes with meals. She is normally pleasant until she goes to sleep, but sometimes hard to wake the next day. Has anyone else experienced this and do you have suggestions?
If everything else about the medication is fine, then perhaps you can discuss this with the nurse in charge of the medications, and the medication can simply be given at a "better" time, so the sleep starts at the right time. (Depending on where you are, a change in time may ultimately require a revised prescription from the doctor.) If there are other issues with the medication, you may need to talk to the doctor and maybe he/she can prescribe something else.
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