Sleeping Much Of The Time
My husband was DX with Vascular dementia about 5 years ago. He is fully capable of self care with reminders and his short term memory is non existent. My biggest concern is he has begun to take multiple napes a day plus he sleeps 10 hrs a night. Is this normal?
My husband's brain gets tired and he needs to nap, some days more than others. He goes to bed early every night (about 8p) and sleeps until about 7:30a. I read recently that the body tries to comfort itself, and I like to think of my husband's sleep habits as ways he's finding comfort.
That’s a wonderful way to think of it. Thank you
My husband also has Vascular Dementia, he too is pretty self sufficient, only a little push needed at times. But yes, he naps twice a day and sleeps a full night. I find on days when he don't get his rest, that he is more confused and unsettled. I think rest is important for them, it helps them have better days.
Yes, I agree...nothing wrong with their napping during the day. I think walking the path of dementia is very tiring. When they can't find the bathroom, when they don't know where you are...they are living in a different world that none of us can truly imagine. Having no shirt time memory has to be devastating and stressful. Last year I could tell D I was going upstairs, and he woukd say ok, and remember, I can tell him, he says ok, but forgets in 1 it's stressful when he thinks he's alone.
Yes let them have their naps...its not only good for them, but gives the caretaker a break. D sleeps for 3 hrs or more in afternoon, then goes to bed between 7 and 8....he sleeps through the night, except when he gets up to use bathroom.
My husband does the same thing. Sometimes I think it's brain fatigue from trying to process everything all day long, in addition to disease progression.
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