Has Anyone Experienced Significant Weight Loss With Their Loved One Even Though They Eat Very Very Well?
Owen is in late stage Alzheimer’s. In the last 4 or 5 months he has lost 13 lbs. 10% of his body weight.
He literally eats like a horse with no changes over this time period. I read about cachexia which is when the body doesn’t absorb nutrients properly anymore. Supplements seem to agitate him. Have you experienced this and what did it mean to you? Did it continue, find a level? Improve?
Thank you.
My husband has also lost a lot of weight but eats well
I wish I had an answer or a path to one. My husband also has lost over 60 lbs. and while he's holding withing 8 or so lbs of 155 he is frail and has no muscle mass at all...he looks much older than his 70 years and so drawn. Our PCP told him to eat ice cream but he did it for a week and stopped. He had cardiac bypass in 2020 and has a family history of bad hearts so he's afraid now. I still think it's more than just his attitude about it....it's so drastic and was so sudden. It feels like he will break if he bumps into anything. This is no help to you at all.....but I'm searching for an answer too. Best to you!!!
My husband has lost some weight over the past year and he eats 3 meals a day. He eats everything on his plate. His legs are losing muscle. He doesn't get enough exercise and is in late stage now.
Yes ! Same with my husband @
My husband has gained weight.
Some days he eats good other days not so good.
When eating I keep reminding him to eat his food.
He use to hid it in a napkin
Love to eat popsicles, candy and cookies so Now i buy sugar free cookies n sugar free popsicles ( probably why the weight gain).
He loves to eat bananas and the cutie oranges. I have to hid them so he want eat all in one day.
And I give him a multi-vitamin each day for when he doesn’t eat much.
His cholesterol has got high and it getting hard to maintain this diet.
No potatoes,red meat, sugar etc🙁
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