How To Keep Mum From Trying To Remove Cast
Mum broke her arm just above the wrist (Colles fracture) two days ago. She of course cannot remember this or why she has to wear a cast and sling. We have caught her five times (including the middle of the night) trying to cut the cast off, once soaked it in a sink full of water. The hospital repaired it last night and loosened it a bit to decrease the swelling. Dad hid the scissors.
Has anyone else had this problem? Other than constant supervision, how do we keep Mum from trying to remove the… read more
Sounds like DH with the id bracelet I put on him. He never stopped trying to get it off. He did finally use scissors to break it.
I got cercie a necklace type Id I took it off the chain and pinned it to the back of his collar out of his reach
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