How To Get My Loved One On ALZ Medication?
Hello - My 88 year old Mother suffers from
Late Stage Alzheimer’s BUT she will tell everyone that “nothing is wrong” with her and she gets extremely ANNOYED if anyone suggests she might have Alzheimer’s (it’s clear she does.). I was not even aware there are ALZ medications until I found this group!
My question is: How do I get my Mother to take Alzheimer’s medication which would help her WITHOUT telling her the purpose of the Doctor’s visit? Also what type of Doctor should we see? She only has… read more
Specific Alzihiemer's meds don't have a very good success rate. At your mom's age, medication to calm her as needed might be better. Just know that because the brain is constantly changing, medications do not always act the same on everybody or remain effective over several months. My husband had episodes of anger that we were not able to manage well with medications.
I first brought my wife to the Doctor when she had an upper respiratory problem. I pulled the Doc off to the side and told him what I thought was going on. Besides treating her for her illness he did a cognitive test on her and referred us to a neurologist. The neurologist also did some tests and ordered an MRI to rule out stroke or tumor.
My wife didn't want to participate either, her respiratory problem helped me get the ball rolling. Giving her the meds were easy, I just included them in her vitamins.
Here we are just months later and she’s unable to do much for herself. Each thing she had trouble doing was a new phase in figuring out how to do it for her. Just when you conquer one thing another comes along. It can really wear on you adapting to the changes that come rapid fire at times.
The phase I’m in now, I call the “sleep deprivation” phase..... 8 days of aprox 3-4 hours sleep. Sometimes it feels like it’s my brain that is under attack.
I’ve learned a lot in this group.... there are kind, loving and very knowledgeable folks in here.
Good luck to you and sending a big hug.
Why do people remind her, she does not understand .
My husband is off dementia meds, he is at a stage where the meds cant help and I can see putting him through more side efforts. He is on blood pressure meds.
If your mom gets aggressive ask for calming meds.
Remember mom has no clue what is going on, she is on her journey and has no clue.
It is so hard to watch your love one go through this and very hard on family members.
I made an appointment for my husband to have a checkup. I told the nurse and then the doctor that he has problems with his memory. I didn’t want to use the word Alzheimer’s because of his possible reaction. Both parents had dementia and he’d always said that he didn’t want to live like that. They did a quick memory test and the dr ordered an MRI, started him on Arisept, then referred him to a neurologist. The neurologist ordered a 4 hr visit at the U of M for further evaluation. The word Alzheimer’s was barely used in front of him, but his PCP did tell him at a follow up visit and asked him how he felt about it. He said “It is what it is.” He doesn’t remember and I see no reason to remind him. My point, I guess is that maybe there’s a way to get her to the dr without using the term Alzheimer’s.
Mostly it is anxiety meds or off label psychiatric meds. Many also come in liquid form so you can put in drinks.
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