Where To Start? Is It Better To Keep Mom At Home As Long As Possible Or In Assisted Care? Money Is A Huge Issue..
Hi Lisa! Did the doctor say your mother has Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) or Alzheimer’s in the moderate stage? I only ask because they are different diagnoses. As for stages and what is going to happen next, there are patterns, but no sure path for this sad disease. Some people continue to be able to handle hygiene and feeding themselves even as their ability to talk or communicate verbally diminishes. My mother seems to go back and forth between the stages. Making the decision about moving your mother is difficult and nobody wants to feel like they are doing it too late or too early. Assisted living can be very expensive, too, so maybe trying to figure out what a spectrum looks like and what options are available in your community to get some help for your mother in her home. See if your town has an Agency on Aging or call your loca Alzhiemer’s Association. They will help you know what is available and what your different options are! Sending hugs and support!❤️
Just my opinion. For your emotional & mental health. I would go ahead. When you start questioning if what your doing now is best for them or you, It's probably time.
I am going to give you a bit of advice for making decisions. Take it or leave it - it is something that worked for me a some of the other people here. You have had this diagnosis for just a few days, and even if you knew it was coming, there is something about hearing the words “She has Alzheimer’s” that is devastating and scary and panic-inducing and it may put you in a hole for a bit. A common reaction is to think that you have to make lots of decisions and get everything straightened out right away. And there are somethings that need to be sorted soon - Power of Attorney, medical proxy, wills - but give yourself some time. Every decision doesn’t need to be made right away and giving yourself a chance to absorb the diagnosis and accept it will help you to feel more comfortable in the decisions you do make. Sending you so much support as you navigate these new days - you will have the strength to deal with what is to come and the decisions you make will be the best ones for your family, no matter what any one else does. ❤️
traveling down this road is not cheap. I appreciate anyone that is keeping their ones at home but the time needed to keep life going and my health would not allow me to keep my wife at home.
The person requiring assisted care needs socialization and activities which I was not able to provide even using a home health aide. Hope you will read GerryL’s 3 part experience with long-term care; he has made the complete journey losing his wife last month. Hope there family members who can help you and give you the time needed for yourself. Wishing you the best.
Hi..she tested in office and doctor said she had moderate cognitive impairment..she had the mri on Thursday and doctors office called with the diagnosis of Alzheimers..that is all I know..as of right now. I go over almost every day .
Feedback Please
How Do You Know When It Is Time To Have Someone Placed In A Care Facility?
My Dad Is My Mom’s Primary Caregiver And Lately Has Been Losing His Temper And Has Slapped Her! HELP