What are some activities that I or caregivers do w my Alzheimer’s parents so they are not watching tv all day. I already do puzzles, paint n drawing.Suggestions would be great!
A couple of other ideas I learned from visiting at a memory care facility: Pick 4 categories such as a first name, a city, a country and an occupation. Go through the alphabet identifying items that start with the letters. For the letter A, Anna, Atlanta, Argentina, artist. Bob, Boston, Belgium, barber. Etc. Pick any fairly long word and see how many other words can be made from using the letters in that word. September, for example: see, me, beer, pet, pets, etc. Multiple vowels in the word gives more options. The memory care facility used a white board to do these activities so all of the residents could see but plain old paper will do.
My husband cannot do games or puzzles but enjoys tossing a ball back and forth. We have a medium-sized child's bouncing ball. We sit about 8 feet apart and toss or bounce it back and forth. He was a golfer so we also have a small putting mat that he enjoys. He was a builder and a tinker his entire life. Our home health aid can get him to sit and build things using legos.
I have the same problem. H will go on walks, but wants nothing to do with coloring. Puzzles totally confuse him. He refused word games a few years ago and right now I feel they would be beyond his capabilities.
My hubby looks like he's reading paper but isn't...also unable to use phone, tv remote or controls on stand up recliner. He seems to have a depth/spatial problem as always trying to sit on arm of chairs and has almost fallen many times
Are they well enough for short walks.
What Are Some Activities To Introduce To My Husband With Dementia?
Stages Of Alzheimer's And Dementia
What Are Some Activities That Are Easy. My Husband Likes Music And Watches A Little Tv. Shows No Interest In Games Etc?