Mother Says She Cannot See Well Indoors, She Says It's To Dark Even Using LED Lights Equivalent To 200 Watts . Any Suggestions?
Have you taken her to be checked for cataracts or macular degeneration? Sending hugs and support!❤️
I'm really new to this but have found it's best to say nothing. My husband's pleasant, loving, kind demeanor is changing everyday into a more aggressive one. Chances are he won't remember even telling you the lie. If he needs a shower, you might lay his clothes out and tell him how handsome he looks in those clothes, especially after a shower!
Vcobb, alone time is quite a treat anymore, I also get so tired of the following, etc. I suppose this too will pass??? Solitude used to restore I hand scrub the floors, with an audience 💃
Question. When my husband stays in the bathroom at 2 AM and at 2:30 I get up and ask what he is doing he says I took a shower now getting dressed. I said ok. At 3 :30 he came out and left the bedroom. I went into bathroom and the shower was dry. Soap was dry he didn't shower. My question is. Do I confront him that I know he didn't shower as he said or let it go. He is getting more aggressive lately toward my correcting him or asking questions of why he did something. He got in my face the other day and yelled at me to SHUT the HELL Up. Then walked away and said I'm not listening to you anymore. I was pretty shocked and hurt. This isn t him. I didn't say a word again. I answered questions yes or no and didn't offer any suggestions again. Should I confront the lie he told. Not first time either. Or stay quiet?
My husband also says his eye sight is not as good also wasn't sure if it had to do with the illness. I guess it does happen another hurdle☹☹
Has Anyone Experienced Their Loved One Harming Themselves?
What Can You Do When Your Loved One Keeps Turning The Lights On?
Twilight Confusion