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How Do You Help Your Spouse Understand Your Caregiver Stress And Demands?

A myALZteam Member asked a question 💭
Ajax, ON

My husband is really good with my Mum (83); he makes her laugh, sometimes takes over in answering the every-other-minute repetitive questions and now travels with me once a year to my parents’ winter home so we can take Mum away for a few days to give my Dad a break. I am very grateful for this help. However, this time, he got very frustrated with me for “trying to over-control everything” and I am pretty angry at the lack of empathy and support I experienced. When away with my Mum, I have to… read more

January 27, 2018
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A myALZteam Member

SO endearing and yet sad how we try so hard to help our loved ones. I feel so exhausted and that there is no end in sight. I always get worried if we have to be gone overnight as my husband, 64, does not do well in strange situations at night. Last year we went on a short vacation and he had an anxiety attack with shortness of breath and inability to settle down. In desperation I gave him some CBD oil I had brought in case of an emergency anxiety event, and turned on a night light which is red. Within 10 minutes he was sleeping well and acted normal the next morning. I believe that the light removed anxiety of not knowing where he was and the CBD oil is excellent at removing anxiety.

June 20, 2019
A myALZteam Member

Marlene Obrien, yes our lives sound very similiar. I do see a therapist at least once a month which sometimes is helpful. but there are days I think I cant go on, just feel like crying. Its like taking care of a 3 years old except sometimes you can reason with a child. Sundown is the worse. Hugs to you.

March 24, 2018
A myALZteam Member

Alison and Marlene..... I care for my Mom (live with her too) but I have been blessed with wonderful & thoughtful brothers. I get some respite which I am grateful for. You both should contact ALZ Society in your area and see what can be done. Lots of people volunteer for things....perhaps there is someone waiting on the sidelines for your call.I will be sending out prayers that someone steps up somehow to help you both. I know how hard you are working! -Sharon

January 29, 2018
A myALZteam Member

I really feel for you I am in the same position I'm am the carer for my husband totally on my own 24hrs 7days a wk from 1yr to the next...I am so stressed as family do not want to know it's the disease that people run away from , my family deal with cancer better I myself have had cancer at the start of Ray's illness , I wish I was more tolerant but dealing with this on my own is devastating a very lonley life ..if it's only once a year just accept when you arrive home you have helped your dad , he has this stress continuously, I wish I had someone to help , you are doing a great job ...I find it hard that this is my life everyday on good days I'm grateful but when tired I get so frustrated I could walk away but then I feel so sad , if he was left with a stranger it would be like leaving a child behind and walking away, what can we do lots love xxxxx

January 29, 2018
A myALZteam Member

I totally understand how you feel. I am dealing with this disease and my husband. 2 of my 3 adult children live with us but one works at night and sleeps during the day and the other works during the day and has long hours. So it's still me and him. My husband is arrogant and prideful and when he gets frustrated with me constantly redirecting him then he talks crazy to me. I ignore it for as long as possible and there are times when I have snapped at him. So the kids only hear me when I respond but they haven't heard what he has been saying to me all day. So when that happens "mom doesn't have the patience, you know dad is sick" But they don't have any idea because they don't deal with it ALL DAY, EVERY DAY. Until family does the job that you do, they will never totally grasp your feelings. I do have a Home Health Aide that comes in and that gives me a little bit of a break, some me time. Have you looked into Home Health or maybe a senior day center? That may give you a little bit of a break

August 15, 2021

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