My husband takes his in the morning. Is anyone else giving this to the patient in the morning?
My mum originally had 5mg at night. They increased it to 10mg but had to drop it back to 5 because it sent her heart rate too low (she's on beta blockers -has angina). Then the tablets were switched from night to morning. Bad move. Caused increased low mood, confusion and left her generally more unwell. They decided that when she had them at night she slept through the side effects but during the day they were causing problems. They switched back to giving them at night and things have improved again.
My mum has it in the morning. At nigh5 sh3 was having th3 weirdest dreams verging on nightmares. Hasn5 complained lately so I guess it has helped.
My husband takes his in the morning and always has along with he Namenda and his blood pressure medicine.
My husband has tried taking it in the morning, at midday, never in the evening, one of the possible side effects is weird dreams, and he was having those. So he's back to taking them in the morning.
My husband takes it in the morning. I used to give it to him at night but it gave him nightmares.
Donepezil Can Cause Vivid Dreams
Anybody Love One On Donepezil..