How Do You Get The Person You Care For To Change Their Clothes And Wear Clean Clothes With No Spots On Them
I always chose the outfits for them. Then i would move with them at thier pace and sometime kind of mimic them. Talking low and calm would help. I once had a pt that would walk in circles. As long as i did circles with them that person would do whatever i wanted. It takes some time but you will learn what motivates them. And most of the time it will work for you.
I also lay out his clothes and take away the dirty ones. But, my guy has an issue with changing his underwear, so I make him change them every night after he gets washed. If I don't do these things, he would wear the same clothes forever!
I get him ready to shower by having him hand me his t shirt underwear, socks and sometimes his pants or shorts if they are dirty. I then put those in the hamper while he showers and bring fresh clothes out while he showers.
In my case, I choose the clothes and then assist her in changing. I am allowed by my wife; but leading gently is the key.
I also have a husband that can’t be coaxed when he is in that “don’t tell me zone”. Thankfully it will generally pass and I will Re approach the task that needs to be done and that would be his meds, insulin, eye drops glaucoma, heart meds. I don’t push it with changing clothes.
What To Do About Not Wearing Clothing
How You Do To Change Your Love Ones To Change Their Clothes ?
Anybody Have Problems With Their Loved Ones Wearing Their Clothes From The Day Before Including His Shoes At Bedtime?