Has Anyone Heard Of The 21 Day Memory Repair Protocol Diet? If So, Has Anyone Tried It?
Supposedly, it gets rid of all sugar in your diet in an effort to get ketones working in the brain again. I wanted to try it, but thought it might be a scam.
My mother started to develop Alzheimer's as her cardiovascular issues progressed and after her left leg was amputated above the knee, the monster showed it's face.
I watched a series called "Awakening from Alzheimer's". I purchased the series but here is what I came away with. Alzheimer's is essentially inflammatory disease and since the brain and gut are somehow connected a healthy diet, high in ketones is suggested. Like an autoimmune disease, clean eating - avoiding sugars, preservatives, processed foods, carbs and starches are important as we age. A LOW Keto diet is suggested.
A doctor speaks about the benefits of MCT oil with regards to reducing inflammation in the hippocampus. I have started her on the Keto diet and even put myself on it. I have seen the benefits, as she lives with me but it never fails that my sister or brother will come over to visit and bring snacks every now and again. I allow it sometimes so every now and again, she gets thrown off ketosis. Her kidney function has improved surprisingly, her colesterol is normal and since her bloodpressure was low the doctor has taken her off of two complete medications (beta blockers) and half of another. Ketosis, I believe, is starting to show positive signs. Sometimes what she remembers surprises me and so does having some semblance of a conversation with her and she slept through the night last night. I sleep with her. The way I see it, even a 25% improvement is better than nothing. I'm going to press on and see what comes out of this.
I have recently found that my Mom has slept better and her overall agitated state has lessened since I have limited her sugar intake and cut off all caffeine after 1:00pm. It has also helped limiting processed foods. As far as I can tell, it has not helped her memory. But to help her sleep a good nights sleep and not be as nervous/aggitated, it's a win!
I have weaned us from most processed sugar and no gluten very low cab, mainly raw vegetables with some meat. A very simple diet. Breakfast lunch and dinner, no snacks at all. Kind of low carb/Keto combination or adaptation. I use olive oil, coconut oil and butter for cooking. Have also gone organic. I give him 2 tbs coconut oil in addition to krill oil and other vitamins daily. I have notice a huge improvement in his behaviour. He is not on any other medication.We have been doing this since January. I have noticed he is not as combative and argumentative, and follows instruction better. Is more content and seems to enjoy the surroundings more. Even participates in conversations. We go out and enjoy the day. He is in early stages.
Going through a caregiver class they mentioned the red plate study how the red contrasts the food. They take 25% more and drink 83% more.
They also mentioned that patients I should have softer meals. She loves her sweets. We tried to give her diluted cranberry juice but serve that in a clear glass and she drinks it. She has not had a UTI since she moved back in December 2016, thank God!
My mom was diagnosed over 2 yrs ago, I have her taking a simple premium grade supplement that was approved by her neurologist a t Mayo Clinic. I limit her sugar intake by guiding her grocery choices so she doesnt have access to very much as she still lives independent. She has acclimated to a new living environment, had only had 1 uti in the 2 yrs she has been here, and has improved mentally since she was diagnosed. Her improvement can be attributed to a combo of simplified life and nutrition, no doubt about it.
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