Sudden And Rapid Decline Between Stages Or Is Something Else Going On?
My father's decline has been slow and steady over the last 4 years. Suddenly, this past week he started sleeping most of the day, his balance became much worse, he is mumbling and he is repeating himself more than he was before. Is this sudden decline typical of Alzheimer's or could this be something else going on?
Oh I am glad to hear he had a full check up. Hope the pill pack system helps. I have learned with my mum there is usually a reason for a sudden decline and is a red flag to have her checked out ASAP.
Yes, I ordered from a few days ago. I am expecting that to help. Thanks.
Thank you for the suggestion to google Teepa Snow. I found her to be very interesting. As of today, my dad is doing significantly better. We think he was taking his medication improperly which caused sedation along with all the other issues. We also discovered a thyroid issue.
I can tell pretty quickly when my husband has an infection or something. We just went through pneumonia, then aspiration pneumonia then a huge hematoma from blood thinners. He gets very confused, sleeps a lot and has bad tremors.
Stages Of Alzheimer's And Dementia
What Is Meant By "ADD PROVIDER"?
Dont Understand The Stages Of ALZ?