How Do You Know What Stage They Are In
Joan, there are seven stages of alzheimers. You can find the information on the internet by googling stages of alzheimers and it will describe each stage. Goodluck
My dad cant talk or walk he is in a broda chair he still feeds himself, however, that is becoming a challenge. He has good days and bad. sometimes he can say a whole sentence other days he just stares at you. the one sentence that he has not forgotten yet is " I love you" I'd say he's in the last stage but this stage is a long one. He has had Alzheimer's for 13 years.
Hi, I just looked up teepa snow and its got lots of useful info and resources.
Loved the gem rating but still hard to define where Mum is as it can change from hour to hour .
Thanks. I think my husband is in an early stage as he still recalls a lot of the past but seems to forget a lot of the present and cannot remember where he puts anything. However since he started taking Donnacept he has improved and doesn't get so frustrated anymore.
I have also searched on the Internet to determine my mother's stage and it is very difficult to come up with a concrete answer. There are so many scales. One is 1-30 and another is 7 stages. Recently her doctor said she was an 8 out of ten. Ten being the latest stage. You can get a rough idea by the charts on the internet but as individuals vary so much in specific skills it isn't a true number. I would ask the doctor at the next check up what they would estimate .
When Does The Late Stage Of Alzheimers/Dementia Start?
Dont Understand The Stages Of ALZ?
What Are The Stages Of Alzheimer's And How Do You Know When You Are Nearing The End?