How Do You Handle When You Can’t Understand What Your Spouse Is Saying. My Husband Has Lewy Body Dementia
Currently I pretend I get it and agree. Word Salad is the most frustrating yet for me....
May I Ask Some Effective Ways To Calm Down The Combative Alzheimer’s Patient? The Patient Has A History Of Being Violent When He Was Young
Our neurologist said there are drugs he can prescribe if my husband becomes that way so I would check with your neurologist.
I Have A Question. My Husband Falls All The Time. He Just Lowers His Head Eyes Go Back And He Falls Down. Almost Like Fainting.
Someone said it could be a drop seizeure. When he gets up he is fine. This happens multiple times a day.
Thank you
How To Accept Partner Is Now In Care Home
It is worrying as he has had 6 seizures in the last 12 least this time the medication was changed. I was okay at the time but goodness the looking after, stress and emotion certainly caught… read more
Had To Take Off Aricept After Taking It With Donepezil For 6.5 Yrs. Really Loosing His Memory. Didn't Know What Relation Our Son Is To Him
Always on hyper alert. That's the daily drip drip drip of stress. Sending support.
How To Handle An ALZ Pt When Visiting Others. He Always Wants To Leave So We Can't Go Out. All He Wants To Do Is Be Home Sit In His Chai.
I have same problem. He just wants to be with me. It is very lonely
Do You Go On Vacation With Or Without Your Partner Who Has Alzheimers? Or, Do You Not Go On Vacation At All?
My sister-in-law stayed at our house to take care of everyone & the dog while I went to visit my son in another state for 4 days. I can't take my husband with me. It's money I can't afford & the whole time would be taking care of him. None of us would enjoy this.
What do you do?
Dear, I really appreciate the points you have reminded me of. My adult children need time with their Dad and need to show their love for us both. This will be a gift to them as… read more
Which Alzheimer’s Symptom Surprised You The Most?
If I'm by myself I always jot down notes on what the providers are saying and their recommendations. It helps me later to review and remember details. Sending support. Take care.
How Many Steps Are For Dementia. The Doctor Said 3 But It Been A One 3. Thank You
And not only are there different stages, but depending on what type of dementia and or mixed dementia they have? The behaviors are different. I found that out the hard way.… read more
Anyone Have Any Experience Using Rexulti Vs Seroquel?
I am neither very rich nor very poor. This why the US should what most civilized countries have-----free health care for all.